Graham Shoes in Kilkenny is celebrating 35 years in business and between now and when children return to primary and secondary school in a few short weeks, its two city centre stores will enjoy 30 to 40 per cent of their annual turnover.
The second-generation family business is one of the biggest children’s shoe fitting stores in the entire south east. Two staff members have been with owner, Gary Graham, for over 30 years. A third was fitted every year for her school shoes as a child and now manages one of Graham Shoes’ two stores in medieval Kilkenny.
“We’re very proud of our reputation as expert fitters and we pride ourselves on our honesty. If a child’s shoes still fit, there is no hard sell. We will recommend they come back in a few weeks or months for new shoes, particularly school shoes. The children of children we originally fitted are now coming back in to be fitted. It’s heartening to see and we’re very thankful to them.
“We started out just up the street in the Monster House in 1989. We opened on High Street in 1992 and added a specialist children’s department on nearby Friary Street in 1994. We also opened in Carlow in 1997. We’ve had our ups and downs, like any business. But we’re still here.”
Fashion trends have changed significantly over the years, as have buying patterns. Gary and his team have moved with the times and much of their stock now caters for shoppers of all ages. Their new website, is designed to attract some of the market that has drifted more towards shopping online, and act as a virtual shop window to other buyers who like to browse but come in-store to see what they’re buying, seal the deal.
“Teenagers are now shopping online more that in-store. We’ve built our web presence to capture this and other audiences and that part of our business is growing. It will take time to develop. Lots of people come in with a screenshot of something they’ve spotted on our website. They want to come in to see the shoes or other products, and try them on. It’s heartening to see this trend post COVID when lots of sales moved online.

“Some people don’t come to town as much as they did. Much of their business with the banks, their accountant or solicitor is now done online. We anticipated much of this, and with the support of the Local Enterprise Office, we have developed our online presence and we have future-proofed to a certain extent.
“These are challenging times. Our cost base is increasing all of the time. But we’re working with Kilkenny County Council, we’re working with the Local Enterprise Office and we’re working together as retailers to showcase what sets Kilkenny apart, to remind people of the importance of supporting local business and spending in the city.
“We can educate parents on the importance of correctly-fitting shoes for growing feet and we specialise in what some parents might refer to as problem feet. My recommendations for anyone sending a child back to school in the coming weeks are to buy quality, buy leather, buy shoes that fit properly and buy waterproof. That way, you get value, you get shoes that will last. You also get happy, well-fitted feet.
“The Consumer Price Index for clothing and footwear is the only category that has consistently fallen over the past decade. We are trusted, we provide value and families will reap the investment if they make the right choices now.”
Gary Graham is proud to be a Kilkenny retailer and is one of dozens working with Kilkenny County Council as part of the latest #ShopKilkenny campaign. It showcases and celebrates the multi-generational, independent retailers that make Kilkenny so special, so unique.
“Kilkenny is a fabulous place to live and to work. It’s beautiful, there is a great atmosphere here and we’re proud of the diversity of small shops dotted throughout our High Street and the arteries throughout our city.
“We’re coming in to a critical time of the year for businesses like ours. We’d again like to remind people that we’re here, we’ve been here for 35 years and we’re eager to be here for many more.
“Without the footfall, without people coming in to support enterprises like ours, we may not be here in another 35 years,” Gary said. “That is the stark reality of the world we live in. We know the people of Kilkenny and those who make Kilkenny their shopping destination won’t let us down. We are grateful to all of our existing customers and always welcome new ones.”