Good health can be a complex issue but SOMEGA makes it easy with new B-Complex

The emergence from the cold winter months is the perfect time to focus on a healthier and more vibrant spring. Gone will be the long dark days and in their place will be the opportunity to enjoy brighter mornings and evenings. Now is the time for a restock of our nutritional and health needs to ensure we are at our best to face the days ahead when our bodies naturally expect and require more life and activity.

Speaking about our nutritional needs at this time of the year, Dr. Paula Gaynor, nutritionist, food scientist and co-founder of Ireland’s purest health supplement brand SOMEGA says that healthy eating will always be number one. “I’m so often asked about health supplements for different ages and stages of the year but I always begin by asking what their diet might be lacking first. For example, are you eating enough fresh fruit and veg, are you getting the right nutrients from your diet and spending time planning and cooking wholesome meals? If the groundwork isn’t right then that needs to be addressed. Supplements are just that, they are supplementary to a good lifestyle which also includes getting enough exercise and sleep.”

Dr. Paula says “Taking high quality supplements do play a key role in keeping your health on track, in particular the B-Vitamins and Vitamin C. There are eight B-Vitamins, making up what is referred to as B-Complex. The B-Vitamins are often called the “energy vitamins” as they help convert the food you eat into the energy your body needs. Both the B-Vitamins and Vitamin C cannot be stored in your body, making it important to have a continuous daily supply for optimal health.”

SOMEGA has just launched their new product, Liposomal Vitamin B-Complex + C which is a synergistic blend of Vitamin B-Complex with Vitamin C designed to support energy levels and reduce tiredness and fatigue. B-Complex + C also contributes to mental health and performance, including supporting memory, concentration and learning and helping combat stress. It also helps support your immune and nervous systems, provides support for healthy skin and hair, and helps regulate hormonal activity, making it an extremely important supplement to have in your health toolkit

Like all products in the SOMEGA range, the new B-Complex + C is an expertly formulated liquid supplement that is as pure and natural as possible with no unnecessary ingredients. In contrast to other Vitamin B-Complex supplements, it is made using cutting-edge liposomal technology to ensure maximum nutrient absorption and optimum health benefits. It has a natural berry flavour and can be enjoyed straight from the spoon or added to cold drinks.

Dr. Paula says that Vitamin B-Complex +C is especially important for those who suffer from fatigue, feelings of stress or those in need of a general health boost. It is also beneficial for athletes and fitness enthusiasts who require extra energy, vegans, menopausal and peri-menopausal women and people over 50 whose ability to absorb B- Vitamins is reduced.

You can find SOMEGA supplements in all good local health stores, pharmacies and online at

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