From Long Island to Kilkenny as Martine and Jeremy exchange vows at St Mary’s Cathedral

The marriage register in St Mary’s Cathedral stretches back to 1754. From near and far thousands of couples have walked the beautiful aisle of St Mary’s to celebrate the sacrament of marriage. The past two years have been quiet – Covid forced many to change plans and dates. This year 17 couples will add their names to the story of St Mary’s and the register of marriages.

Originally booked for November 2020 Martine Phelan Roberts and Jeremy Beutler finally managed to tie the knot on June 1st. This was their fifth date change…the last being within the last seven days when the wedding had to switch from Monday 20th to Wednesday 1st due again to Covid. A wedding party of 25 made their way to the Marble City from San Francisco, Chicago, Long Island, England and a few of their Irish cousins for the celebrations that began in the Cathedral and ended in Langtons.

The wedding ceremony took place at 4pm and was followed by photos in Cathedral before moving to the reception in John’s Street. Martine’s brother and sister, Allessandra and Wills, read the readings and Jeremy’s nieces, Ari and Chloe, read the prayers of the Faithful. Music was from James Rice and Soyna Cadogan. Fr Scriven welcomed the group and was the celebrant.

The reception in Langtons was wonderful and full of ‘facetime’ calls back to the States, high fives and kisses across the internet to friends and families who had not been able to travel. Stories of the week were exchanged: learning to play hurling in Stoneyford, Irish dancing in Malzards, Visiting Kilkenny Castle and Bike Riding around Kilkenny before climbing St Canice’s Round Tower. The guests made the best of their time in Kilkenny and even managed to visit Galway and the Cliffs of Moher!

We wish Jeremy and Martine all the best as they begin their married life together and are delighted that they have become part of the story of St Mary’s Cathedral.

Next In the heart of the community with the Kilkenny Observer