Flower Power


Flower Remedies are simple essences for everyday emotional support. When someone comes in to me to talk about a health question, I could easily end up suggesting that they take some flower essences. With the new year upon us I thought it might be good time to talk about them. In the Bach system of healing there are 38 remedies. You can use one or you can make a mixture of up to six or seven single remedies in a dropper bottle.

Rescue Remedy is perhaps the most well-known flower essence. This contains a mixture of five different flowers. This is the perfect remedy for stressful situations associated with stress, anxiety, or feelings of panic. It could be that you are going to the doctor, flying, doing exams or a driving test. It can help you relax and feel less stressed and can be used alongside other supplements. I have used it for many situations I have to say. But I use it mostly when I am going on the radio for interviews about natural health. I have been doing these interviews for over ten years now and I still get nervous. I choose either Rescue Remedy Pastilles or the drops which I add to my bottle of water. They help me feel calmer and more focussed.

This time of the year if you are not feeling motivated Hornbeam could be a good one for you to try. For example, if every day feels like a Monday morning or you are putting things off till the next day it may be a good sign that Hornbeam could be helpful for you. It can also be useful if you notice that you are always saying that you will do the task later.

Choose Gorse if you are feeling low or pessimistic. It can be useful if you are wondering what the point is, or for when you feel that nothing is going to go right for you. This could be an emotional difficulty or simply a feeling of pessimism that is dragging you down. It is a lovely flower remedy for hope and to help you feel lighter and more joyful.

Like I said I love the flower remedies, I hope that can lift your spirits like they have lifted mine over the years.

Shop online at www.naturalhealthstore.ie where you’ll be able to take a look at these brands.

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Next Henry would have known what New Year holds