Feel good on the inside – Look great on the outside


This time of the year many of you are planning parties and get togethers with friends and family. You want to look and feel your best but maybe you’re not feeling that right now. Perhaps you are constantly feeling bloated and uncomfortable in your clothes or they just don’t fit because you have put on a few pounds over the year. Or maybe your skin has lost its glow?

Feeling good inside depends on a healthy diet and the ability to absorb the nutrients from the foods that you eat. If you have any signs of sluggish digestion with bloating, wind, constipation, or just general digestive discomfort then start taking your digestive enzymes. Some of you may have a box in the back of the cupboard. Take them before meals. A popular choice is Udo’s Choice Digestive Enzymes which you can get also in a small travel pack. It’s a perfect size to take with you for social events where you have no control over the menu. Healthy digestion is one step towards helping you better.

You may have gained a few pounds that you would like to shift so you can fit into your festive clothes. Take a look New Nordic Fat Burner. I have talked about this before and many of you have found it helpful. It’s based on well-proven ingredients like choline to support normal metabolism of fats. It also contains Yerba mate, a herb included to support weight loss. The idea is to take the supplement in conjunction with a healthy diet and lifestyle. It is not intended as a magic pill – it is to support healthy fat metabolism. It might be that kick start you are looking for.

One of the most important nutrients for healthy glowing skin is plenty of water. Ater that, omega oils to hydrate and nourish the skin. You can get omega oils from oily fish, chia seeds, flax seeds as well as a variety of other nuts and seeds. Include avocado, hemp oil, flax oil, rotate these and have different oils every time. If you can’t manage these foods daily top up on an Omega Oil Blend. My favourite blend is Udo’s Choice Ultimate Oil Blend. It comes in oil which you can add to smoothies or drizzle over vegetables, or capsules.

Look Good Feel Good this year!

Shop online at www.naturalhealthstore.ie where you’ll be able to take a look at these brands.

Natural Health Store, Market Cross Shopping Centre

Phone: 056 7764538

Email: info@naturalhealthstore.ie



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