Escort Santa through the streets of Kilkenny

Launching this Saturday 25th of November, Yulefest Kilkenny and Cycle Kilkenny are inviting children and their families to escort Santa Claus on his trip through the city centre.

In what has now become tradition, Santa will arrive by boat to Canal Square, before travelling around the city and finishing on The Parade to switch on the Christmas Lights. Children and their families are invited to cycle into town and meet Santa Claus at Canal Square before following Santa, in the Kilkenny City Train, around the city on their bikes.

Cycle Kilkenny will have adult volunteers leading the children as they follow Santa around the city centre, showing them and the people of the city how easy cycling in the city can be. Children are encouraged to dress up their bikes and get in the festive spirit to be part of this special day.

A great activity for your Green School and Active School Committees to be involved in. Spread the word and bigí linn to welcome Santa to Kilkenny and to take the green route to the turning on of the lights! Participants are asked to meet at Canal Square at 2.15pm, ready for departure before 3pm. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Yulefest Kilkenny is an initiative of Kilkenny County Council.

Celebrating Christmas in Kilkenny, Yulefest brings festive cheer to the city and county with Christmas markets, family entertainment and special events.

For more information, see

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