HAVE YOU a garden, big or small?
Are you teaching children at home? If so, there’s a wonderful new booklet packed with ideas and guidance on simple ways to help biodiversity in your garden.
From tips on how to make a bird bath, or a nest for mining bees, to mowing your lawn for pollinators, this colourfully illustrated booklet is a must for all keen gardeners who love wildlife. Download from: (http://www.kilkennycoco.ie/eng/Services/Heritage/Garden-Wildlife-Booklet-web.pdf).
A hard copy is available from the Heritage Office at Kilkenny County Council by emailing heritage@kilkennycoco.ie.
The booklet is provided free of charge as part of the Council’s Community Wellbeing Programme to support the people of Kilkenny during Covid-19.
The booklet was written by wildlife author Juanita Browne, and commissioned by Laois Heritage Office, with support from Local Authority Heritage Officers, and co-funded by the National Parks & Wildlife Service of the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and the Heritage Council.