David FitzGerald Campaign

The three daughters of the late Kieran Crotty TD; Hilary Butler, Cllr David FitzGerald, Mary Davis and Angela Browne

Fine Gael Kilkenny councillor David FitzGerald’s campaign for the forthcoming General Election received a welcome boost on Wednesday evening. Elected representatives, members and party supporters from across the county gathered at a city hotel, where they unanimously expressed their determination to get David elected for Fine Gael to represent the people of Carlow/Kilkenny in Dáil Éireann.
Ireland’s longest-serving female local representative, Cllr Mary Hilda Cavanagh and her fellow North Kilkenny councillor, John Brennan, spoke of Cllr FitzGerald’s experience and his impressive track record in local government. Together with a number of former party councillors, they stressed the importance of electing a Kilkenny based Fine Gael TD.
Also present were three daughters of the late Kieran Crotty
TD, cousins of David. They were amongst those who gathered to endorse
David’s candidacy.

Cllr FitzGerald thanked all present for their support and he pledged to ‘leave no stone unturned’ in his quest to secure a Dáil seat for the party.

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