Culture Night is a national moment celebrating all that makes up the richness and diversity of culture in Ireland today; connecting people to cultural activities locally and nationally and opening up pathways to ongoing engagement. Culture Night is developed in partnership with local authorities and many other organisations and individuals across the island.
Culture Night is about openness, discovery, celebration and belonging. Doors are opened late and special and unique events are programmed at participating locations, online and broadcast. All activities are free.
Once again County Kilkenny will offer a number of outstanding events for all ages and interests to enjoy.
City events include:
• BG Block Party with live DJs in the Butler Gallery gardens and late night entry to the various exhibitions and much more.
• Kilkenny Castle will open its doors to the Period Rooms of the Castle and will host a live performance of medieval and renaissance music by Siobhan Armstrong.
• Essie May’s Yoga Studio, Kieran Street are delighted to invite you to take part in a mandala building workshop using all natural materials.
• The Knitted Together Project with The Kilkenny Arts Office have organised an exhibition trail of specially knitted blankets which will be on display in various charity shops in Kilkenny City and County.
• The Kilkenny Arts Office Curator In Residence Programme will host an exhibition RESILIENCE which will also involve a number of talks and panel discussions at MacDonagh Junction Shopping Centre.
• The Kilkenny Famine Experience at MacDonagh Junction Shopping Centre, is a free AV tour that will guide people around the buildings of the former Workhouse.
• Explore Rothe House, spend time in the house, courtyards and gardens with their knowledgeable guides and members of Kilkenny Archaeological Society.
• Young Irish Film Makers, St Joseph’s Studios presents ‘Youth Film & Animation’ a screening of young peoples’ short films from across the country.
County Events include:
• Jail Birds- An Evening of Jewellery and Metalwork in Thomastown Community Centre with the Design and Crafts Council of Ireland.
• The Wonder of Culture with Clogh Writers at Moneenroe, Castlecomer will focus on the theme of coal mining and local culture through various artforms such as poetry, song and dance.
• Ionad Lachtain, Freshford will be hosting an evening of music, heritage and art.
• TADA! Theatre Thomastown will be hosting fun drama workshops for different age groups from 6 years to adults.
• Theatrical Entertainment and Eco-Art Explorations at Kcat Arts Centre, immersive entertainment at their performance lab and explorations of earth-conscious art making techniques.
• Poetry By The Barrow, a poetry reading group invite you to come relax in the quaint surroundings of Mick Doyles Pub, Graignamanagh to listen to some poetry.
For more detailed information on all events please visit:
Printed brochures are available from all venues mentioned above and from Kilkenny Arts Office, phone 0567794547 or email for your copy.
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