By Clair Whitty, Nutritional Health Coach
HOW ARE you coping with this new way of living?
Are you stressed, lacking energy, not sleeping, or feeling lonely?
Herbal teas are great to help relaxation. Lemon Balm, or Tulsi green teas are good ones to take to help relaxation and reduce stress.
Or add BetterYou Magnesium Mineral Flakes to your bath to soothe tired and sore muscles and ultimate relaxation.
Higher Nature Balance for Nerves, a favourite of mine, combines B vitamins traditionally used for energy and stress, along with the herb Passiflora, for symptoms of anxiety and palpitations.
Rescue Remedy is a good option. You can take this regularly.
Flower remedies can help lift the mood. Star of Bethlehem (one of the five flowers in Rescue Remedy) is a lovely flower remedy for loss, and this is loss.
It is loss of connection with your loved ones. The lack of human connection is huge.
Sleep problems:
Your sleep pattern could be totally gone haywire. If this is because of stress then try Melissa Dream to aid relaxation and to help calm the overthinking mind. It doesn’t cause drowsiness the next day.
Lack of energy:
Some of you are telling me that you’re doing less physically but are feeling more tired than normal.
During times of stress your body needs higher levels of nutrients. Revive Active is a super supplement that contains 26 key ingredients for energy and immune support including 1,000 iu of vitamin D3 and 150mg of CoQ10.
However, many of you will enjoy this new way of life, you may find it simpler, less running around, less time on public transport or looking for parking.
You might be enjoying life at home in your garden or with your children especially if you can work at a time that suits you. I think there are some whom this lifestyle is suiting.
But for those of you that it isn’t suiting give us a call and we can see how we can help. If you’re cocooning, feeling vulnerable, or isolating then we can arrange post or delivery for you.
Stay safe.
From the Natural Health Store, Market Cross Shopping Centre, Kilkenny City.