Cllr Maria Dollard is calling on the thousands of graduates in the South East to exercise their democratic vote by registering for the first ever register to vote in the Higher Education Constituency. For the first time ever, graduates of SETU and their legacy institutions, will be able to register to vote for the Higher Education Constituency in future Seanad Elections. The first register will be for any election in 2025 after the current one. A new constituency will be created, that combines the two existing panels into a Higher Education Constituency panel with six seats to be filled. Votes will be cast by graduates of all the Universities in Ireland including our own SETU. “The Irish electorate voted to retain the Seanad but with some reforms including giving all Graduates the right to vote on an equal footing. This work was completed by our local former TD Malcom Noonan during the last government and now I’m calling on all graduates in Kilkenny to register your entitlement to be placed on the electoral register before the 23rd of January. Entitlement extends to those who graduated with a degree or higher from Carlow or Waterford IT’s. The process is simple and online at and so many new voters here in Kilkenny can claim their right to vote but to be included in the first registration do it before the closing date” More details are available on the SETU website or the Seanad Voter website.
Closing date to register for new Higher Education Constituency approaching