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AS I SEE IT BY MARIANNE HERON THE conviction of socialite Ghislaine Maxwell in the dying days of last year suggests that the balance in the outcomes of sex crime trials has shifted in favour of abused women and girls. And so in one sense it has. Maxwell faces up to 65 years in jail …


THE FACT OF THE MATTER PAUL HOPKINS It’s 2022, and is the coronavirus, new strains and all, at long last being put in its place? After an unimaginable and miserable two years, alternating between lockdowns and new outbreaks, are we beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel? Or see the tunnel at …


A SEASONAL SHORT STORY BY PAUL HOPKINS I had thought about it for, I guess, the best part of a day, mulled over it, slept on it, my baby brother rabbiting the head off himself in his bed opposite me. My plan was to burrow my way to the back of the huge stand-alone wardrobe …


BY JOHN ELLIS, FINANCIAL ADVISOR MONEY sense isn’t necessarily about what you know. It’s about your behaviour and it’s difficult to teach. Personal finance and business decisions are typically taught using formulae graphs and excel sheets to tell us what you should do. But in reality people don’t make financial decisions logically. Fear, greed, ego, …


AS I SEE IT BY MARIANNE HERON FOR several years now the only New Year resolution I have made is not to make one. It’s not that I can’t see the appeal of starting the year full of good intentions. It’s all to do with making a fresh start once the Christmas festivities are over …


BY CLAIR WHITTY Christmas is not for everyone and as such, some of you might feel a bit of pressure with all the build-up to it. All the talk, all the ads, and all the music. It can get to you. And those of you that love Christmas can feel stress and anxiety too because …


THE FACT OF THE MATTER PAUL HOPKINS It seems like it was only yesterday that I wrote elsewhere, Where did that year go, what with 2021 just upon us? Now, here I am again, wondering where the last 12 months went? I may not be any the wiser but I am, unfortunately, another year older …


BY JOHN ELLIS, FINANCIAL ADVISOR ABOUT half of people in Ireland have engaged in consumer actions to reduce climate change in the last year. Most favour spending carbon tax revenues on programmes to reduce carbon emissions and prepare for climate change impacts, according to the latest report from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Some of the key …


BY ANDREW MCDONALD HYPNOTHERAPIST AMONG the therapies which have been around a long time but are suddenly gaining popularity, hypnotherapy is perhaps one of the misunderstood. As soon as you say the word “hypno”, people think of what they have seen on television, or perhaps as part of a stage show. Individuals reduced to a …


AS I SEE IT BY MARIANNE HERON THERE was an awful moment of doubt in the’ Oh no you can’t, oh yes you can’ dilemma about whether or not it was all right to go to the Pantomime in these Covid curtailed times. But thankfully Panto tradition has survived given the reassurance from on high …