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Fact Of The Matter PAUL HOPKINS So, as I write, the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine has been given a second clean bill of health by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), emphasising that the incidence of blood clots is actually much lower than in the general population and that the vaccine is safe. Many nations outside the …


By: Deputy Kathleen Funchion Sinn Fein TD for Kilkenny Carlow Sinn Féin is supportive of extending paid parental leave and has welcomed the Government’s commitment to finally fulfil its promises on Paid Parent’s Leave but warned there can be no further delays. I welcome that Minister O’Gorman has said that the additional Paid Parent’s Leave …


Fact Of The Matter PAUL HOPKINS You know the scenario. You phone someone to check if all is good and they unload for a full 30 minutes and never once ask how you are. Or the moment when you realise someone in your life is mostly take and no give; who constantly asks favours of …


By PAUL HOPKINS It is perhaps fitting that in the lead up to Holy Week — Christianity’s greatest celebration — Finnish astrophotographer JP Metsavainio has announced that, after 1,250 hours over the course of about 12 years, he has finished creating a single image that reveals the magnificent beauty of the entire Milky Way. Back …


Fact Of The Matter PAUL HOPKINS It is a year since the coronavirus came to live among us, wreaking havoc worldwide. In the beginning we believed it was just a temporary glitch, a short pause in the going-around of the world, in the commerce of everyday life. A year on, the temporary hiatus has taken …


Fact Of The Matter PAUL HOPKINS MY maternal grandmother died when my Mother was just five so she never had a lifetime to know her. When I was born, the first of three, and work took my Father away a lot, my paternal grandmother came to call for an afternoon of china-cupped tea and cucumber …


By: Deputy Kathleen Funchion Sinn Fein TD for Kilkenny Carlow IN May 2019, the Government announced the NBP detailing how rural Ireland would be connected to high-speed broadband over the next six-seven years. In November of that year, it signed a contract with National Broadband Ireland (NBI) to plan, develop and operate a fibre-based broadband …


Fact Of The Matter PAUL HOPKINS My first friend, the one I had known the longest, died in London the other day after a relatively short illness. Papo (Patrick) was three months short of 67, and we had known each other since forever, being next-door neighbours growing up. We had been in and out of …


By: Deputy Kathleen Funchion Sinn Fein TD for Kilkenny Carlow There is little doubt that business and individuals are struggling with their insurance premiums, Sinn Féin has called on all parties to work together and support their legislation to cap the interest rates charged by moneylenders. The motor insurance industry here in Ireland have generated …