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THE FACT OF THE MATTER PAUL HOPKINS SCHOOL days may well be the best days of your life as 61,000 students, Leaving Cert results to hand this week, are about to find out as they face the reality of repeats or job-hunting or, in the case of 60% of them, the mad scramble for a …


AS I SEE IT BY MARIANNE HERON EVERY so often a new buzz word enters our vocabulary and one of the loudest buzzes now is sustainability. Quite right too, given the urgent need to address climate change and this year’s extreme weather with soaring temperatures, wild fires and floods, should be enough to convince us …


BY JOHN ELLIS, FINANCIAL ADVISOR LAST week we discussed personal protection and the need to protect ourselves and our loved ones against the financial problems that follow serious illness and death. This week we look at the situation as a business owner as there are additional concerns should we fall victim to serious illness or …


BY ANDREW MCDONALD HYPNOTHERAPIST In this column, we have already looked at how recovering from a mental health crisis is only the first stage on the path to enjoying wellness. That isn’t to belittle the effort needed to take that first step towards getting better. The will and determination required are huge. Anybody who has …


BY CLAIR WHITTY Are you looking to have healthy skin? Good levels of vitamins like A, B, C, D, E, and minerals like Zinc and Magnesium are important for healthy skin. Hormonal balance, and adequate levels of friendly gut bacteria can help too. A healthy diet and nutritional supplements aimed at supporting skin health may …


BY CLAIR WHITTY Ashwagandha is an interesting herb and one of my favourites. It’s classed as an adaptogenic herb which means that it can help the body to adapt and cope with stress of any kind that it has to deal with. In Ayurvedic medicine it’s traditionally used for strengthening an exhausted nervous system. This …


BY JOHN ELLIS, FINANCIAL ADVISOR LIFE can be unpredictable, so we insure our homes, cars and even our holidays and phones, so doesn’t it make sense to protect those you love in the event that something happens to you and you can’t provide for them? By planning in advance the type of protection you and your family might need in …


AS I SEE IT BY MARIANNE HERON Is it time to retire retirement? Attitudes to age and retirement can seem more than a little old fashioned in the light of longevity. Just think about it, if Hollywood icon Kirk Douglas, who died aged 103 recently, had retired aged 65 he would have spent 38 years …


THE FACT OF THE MATTER PAUL HOPKINS WHEN my father would get, in that wonderfully old-fashioned sense of the word, vexatious — het up over nothing — my mother would say to him: “Sit down there EK and I’ll put the kettle on.” And he would say to her: “You know, your problem — you …


BY CLAIR WHITTY It’s that time of year again when you’re thinking about getting the kids ready to go back to school. Maybe you’re thinking about what to give them for extra support so that they are ready to face the school year ahead of them. Some of my favourite products for kids heading back …