Castlecomer Remember Legacy with Naming of New Pedestrian Bridge: ” Miner’s Bridge.”

Local Cllr Pat Fitzpatrick walking on the newly named Miner's Bridge in Castlecomer

Local Cllr Pat Fitzpatrick has paid tribute to the legacy of the workers of Deerpark coalmines by proposing to name Castlecomer’s new pedestrian bridge “ Miners Bridge” at a recent meeting of Kilkenny County Council. The local councillor said the naming of the new bridge not only pays tribute to the past but also ignites a sense of pride and belonging among residents of the area ensuring that the legacy of Castlecomer’s mining heritage remains etched in the records of history for generations to come.

Cllr Fitzpatrick in proposing the name said:

“This name serves as a tribute to the generations of families whose lives were intricately woven into the fabric of Castlecomer’s history through their work in the Deerpark coalmines.

The community of Castlecomer has a deep history with the Deerpark coalmines which resonates deeply with residents, it brings to mind memories of resilience, hard work, and shared experiences.

By proposing to the name “ Miner’s Bridge”, I wanted to recognise those who dedicated their lives to the coalmines and the wider community. The new bridge now has the opportunity to stand as more than just a physical structure. As “ Miner’s Bridge” it can now embody the enduring spirit of Castlecomer and serve as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made and the enduring legacy left by the miners and their families on the town’s landscape.

Cllr Fitzpatrick also paid tribute to the late Seamus Walsh, Historian, Author and Miner and in one of their last conversation’s Seamus expressed his wish to see the Miner’s remembered  for Generations to come.

So I am delighted to get the opportunity with agreement of the Naming Committee and my Council Colleagues to propose this Name.

Cllr Fitzpatrick proposal was supported by Cllr John Brennan who spoke of the great history of mining and it was fitting that the Pedestrian Bridge should be named Miner’s Bridge in remembrance of all the people who worked in the mines

The proposal was agreed unanimously.

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