Butts Young Leaders will train in Malta thanks to Tirlan staff support

Announcing sponsorship to the Fr McGrath Centre were left to right : Mike Kelly (chairperson of the Fr McGrath Centre,) Joseph Donovan, Lillian Long Frear, Jim O’Neill (Tirlán), Kieran Fitzgerald (Tirlán) and Stephen Murphy, director of Services at Fr McGrath Centre

Albert Einstein, was a German born theoretical physicist who is widely held as one of the most influential scientists. Best known for developing the theory of relativity, Einstein also made important contributions to quantum mechanics.

However, for today, let us borrow one of his many quotes: “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will get you everywhere.” These powerful words from Einstein encapsulate all that is good and great at the Fr McGrath centre in Kilkenny.

And certainly a lot of imagination was used to bring this centre to where it is today. You could probably also include such words as creativity, talent, and innovativeness. Throw in a dollop of ‘stickability’ and an ounce or two of good luck and you are getting close to understanding the success story that is The Fr McGrath centre .

The Fr. McGrath Family Resource Centre, a formerly derelict building and green space site in the heart of the Butts housing estate, was purchased by SCCA in 1995.

Finally, it was placed in Trust for the perpetual community use, and has since seen an investment of millions of euro over the following years.

Moreover, their newly adapted, three storey facility now boasts some of the best family and children support and training facilities in Kilkenny City.

Their local centre includes extensive public play grounds, sports areas and public green space park facilities. The Fr. McGrath Family Centre now employs a large team of specialist family, children and youth profession support workers.

Another massive string to the Fr McGrath bow is their Fáilte Isteach programme . The Fáilte Isteach English & Integration Project has been operating from the Fr. McGrath Centre for the past thirteen years. The lack of English language skills is a barrier to immigrants accessing services and often results in segregation and isolation. The Project works at breaking down these barriers and facilitates the learning and usage of English by extending the hands of friendship and goodwill. Each week in the Fr. McGrath Centre, a panel of sixteen volunteer tutors provide a forum where students learn and exchange ideas around the issues that matter to them.

They have several voluntary directors on their Board of Governance with overall responsibility for the operation, and management of services. In addition, they are also responsible for the strategic development of all projects, enterprises and services run from our various facilities.

Recently, The Kilkenny Observer Newspaper called to the centre, which is snuggled at the corner of of St. Joseph’s Road and Connolly Street in the Butts.

We met with a group of energetic young people as well as members of the Board at the centre. Also in attendance were members of Tirlán, and Caroline Grincell from ‘Grincell Properties’.

The occasion was to announce details of the exciting trip by Youth leaders from the Butts community who will have the opportunity to visit Malta to study youth work and children’s self development programmes.

The exciting programme is in no small way due to the very generous sponsorship from Tirlán workers.

Co-Chairpersons of the Butts Youth Leaders team, Lillian Long Frear and Joe Donovan thanked Tirlán and their staff for making this trip possible.

Lillian said: “Since we were infants we were involved with our community play school, after school, summer and youth programmes with the Fr McGrath Centre”.

Joe told the Observer that “the Centre means so much to us. It is part of our life, and something we are very proud of”.

Both Lillian and Joe expressed delight at the great opportunity to work with European youth groups to learn skills that they can share with their own young people in the community’.

Jim O’Neill ,from Tirlán explained that their workers sponsored the annual ‘cycle across Ireland’ to raise money for two local and one national charity and raised €65,000 this year.

“The money was dived amongst different groups and we were delighted to include The Fr McGrath Centre as one of the recipients” explained Mr O’Neill.

Director of services at the centre, Stephen Murphy spoke of the generosity shown by Tirlán and said that the timing of the sponsorship could not have been better. “We were looking at options of various projects for our youth leaders, and this made our decision so much easier”, said Stephen.

The Fr McGrath’s Voluntary Board readily agreed to send the Butts young leaders to study and experience youth practice in Malta. This is a collaboration with the Salesians of Don Bosco, famed for their innovative work with young people over many generations.

Mr Murphy also thanked Kilkenny Gardaí for providing transportation to and from the airport for the young leaders.

In total, ten Butts teenagers will travel to meet and be hosted by volunteer youth workers in Malta.

The Butts young leaders have been fundraising themselves for some months in preparation for the trip to help cover some of the costs and activities in Malta.

Generous sponsorship from Butts families, local auctioneer, Fran Grincell, Brian and Mary Mc Eneaney, as well as parish families, who wish to remain anonymous, and who have all contributed to what promises to be a trip of a lifetime.

Co-Chairpersons, Lillian and Joe paid a special word of thanks to all those people who donated to their recent flag day and the St Canice’s church gate collection.’

Chairperson of the Fr McGrath Centre, Mike Kelly, thanked the Tirlán staff and other sponsors and said:
‘You have made this great learning opportunity possible for our young people. It is an investment in the future of all the young people in the Butts. I thank you all for your support and kindness’.

The trip to Malta is scheduled to take place from Sunday the 14th until Sunday 21st.



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