Blessing of the Baby Jesus

The Kilkenny Secular Franciscan Order invites all children, the families and friends to bring the baby Jesus figures from their crib at home to be blessed in the Capuchin Friary this Sunday. The Blessing helps children and young people to prepare for Jesus. The event will be held on Sunday 17th December at 3pm to celebrate the 800 anniversary of the first Christmas crib.

800 years ago, in 1223, to celebrate the birth of Jesus, Saint Francis wanted to celebrate the feast of Christmas in a new way, helping people to recall the humble surroundings in which Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Francis’ inspiration came after traveling to the Holy Land and seeing the exact site of Christ’s birth. The poverty of it all deeply impacted Francis and was a particular element that he wanted to celebrate on Christmas.

In the town of Greccio, near Assisi, with the help of a local landowner he set up a live crib with stable, hay and animals. The local people came at night with torches and candles to celebrate Mass and, on seeing the scene, to be reminded of God’s love for us in sending his only son to be born in the poverty of a manger. St. Francis’ initiative at Greccio popularised the making of a Christmas crib in our homes and churches.

John Paul II, when Pope, began a tradition in Rome that has been continued by Pope Benedict and Pope Francis on this Sunday, now also known affectionally as Bambinelli Sunday. Bambinelli is the Italian for Baby Jesus. On this day children and their families from across Rome come to St Peter’s Square, bringing with them the figure of the infant Jesus from their crib to be blessed. When, at Christmas, we place the statue of the Infant Jesus in the manger, the nativity scene suddenly comes alive. God appears as a child, for us to take into our arms. Beneath weakness and frailty, he conceals his power that creates and transforms all things.

The Secular Franciscan Order looks forward to seeing you in the Capuchin Friary this Sunday at 3pm. Everyone is welcome to celebrate.

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