Behind every good play is a stellar production team

Delia Lowery

Kilkenny Amateur Theatre Society (KATS) are presenting Patricia Burke-Brogans award winning Eclipsed the end of August this year and are mid-way in their rehearsal schedule as it is. However, quietly in the back ground is a fantastic team ensuring that every facet of the production works like a well oiled machine. May we introduce our production team:

At the helm as director and KATS chairperson, is Delia Lowery. She is a regular theatre maker in the south east, having performed with Barn Owl players, Kilkenny Musical Society (KMS) and Galway University Musical society (GUMS), David Hennessys Musical and Dramatic Society (DHMDS) and Happy Robot Productions. She has stage managed, been props mistress and special effects for various production teams, Lake Productions, KMS, Watergate Productions and this summer Asylum Productions “The Local”.

Dee Gibney who has been involved in theatre in Kilkenny since 2007 will stage manage Eclipsed. Dee is well known both on and off the stage in Kilkenny, having performed with and stage managed with KMS, Barn Owl Players, Watergate Productions and Lake Productions.

Cliodhna Ryan will be taking on the role of assistant stage manager, having recently completed her leaving cert she will join the Lir Academy, to study Stage Management and Technical Theatre in September.

Clare Gibbs is another lady who is well known in Kilkenny theatrical circles, both on and off the stage. Clare is costume mistress for Eclipsed.

Siobhan Hegarty is the Set Designer for Eclipsed. An art teacher from Clonmel, Siobhan is applying her keen eye and eco friendly approach to the set design. Siobhan has worked with Lake Productions in the past, designing their sets, most recently on “Moll” with Ger Cody.

Gerry Taylor is the lighting and sound designer for Eclipsed. His expertise known across the isle of Ireland KATS are extremely grateful to have him involved in Eclipsed.

Sarah Bergin is KATS promotional guru, having joined the committee this year Sarah is responsible for KATS facebook page and Instagram page coming to life. She is also compiling the keepsake programme for the production.

Edwina Cummins who has previously chaired Kilkenny musical society is the producer and committee treasurer. She has appeared in musicals with KMS and plays with KATS and Barnowl players.

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