Balance your Nerves with Rescue Remedy


Are you feeling nervous or stressed about your exams? It is normal to feel a bit nervous, anxious, or panicky. It’s not a problem unless it’s affecting your sleep, concentration, or cognitive ability.

Here are some tips to help you deal with stress/anxiety so you can perform your best. Take time to relax and choose a simple technique like deep breathing, meditation, or visualisation. Essential oils like Lavender in your oil diffuser may create a nice relaxing environment for you. Tisserand Stress Relief Roller balls are ideal for rolling on your pulse point to help relaxation. Some people prefer incense sticks, you could choose from Relax, Stress, or Meditation.

A lack of sleep can impact on your stress response meaning that your coping abilities are not as good as they normally would be. Lack of sleep can impair cognitive function too. This would be a good time to get your sleep under control. Routine is the most important thing in my opinion to help with quality sleep.

There are also lots of natural supplements to choose from. Where the stress is not ongoing and is directly associated with the exams you may find benefit from Rescue Remedy Night. You can choose from spray or drops. These are the same as Rescue Remedy which most of you will be familiar with, but the Night option has added White Chestnut. This is the remedy to switch off thoughts that torment you in the night. For ongoing stress, you can combine Rescue Remedy with Passiflora Complex, B Vitamins, or Ashwagandha.

For daytime stress not associated with sleep issues use Rescue Remedy. It is available in drops, spray or capsules. I mostly use the drops because I can add them to a bottle of water and sip them throughout the day.

Exercise can help reduce stress, a short walk or a quick exercise session could be enough to help get those happy hormones going again. Avoid caffeine and stimulants, make sure to keep hydrated and drink plenty of water. Eat a good variety of foods for energy and concentration.

Trust yourself. If you have seen it or heard it you can recall it, relax and let the memory come back to you.

The best of luck to all of you doing exams this year.

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