Angel in the clouds

By Phil Kennedy

Sometime ago, this poem was sent into the Gay Byrne Show, it was sent in in relation to a topic which had been discussed on the show, there may have been a discussion on gender balance on the programme and this prompted Phil to send it in. Gay read the poem out on radio and Phil was so chuffed.

It is topical now with Gay’s Daughter publishing a book on the letters written to Gay over the years.

They were sitting by the fireside
One evening with their toys,
When my little daughter turned to me
And asked, “Mammy, are all Angels boys?”

Now the thought had never occurred to me
But it struck me forcibly then,
They are running this world at present,
Will Heaven also be run by men?

I have never heard of a girl Angel
With golden hair and curls,
But of course it doesn’t follow
That there are no angelic girls

There was the Angel Gabriel
Who appeared to Mary to say
That she would be the Mother of God
On that memorable day.

Then there was Archangel Michael
Who led them all so well,
When they had the battle in Heaven
And threw the losers down to Hell.

Now another thought has struck me
When we talk about lads with tails,
I have never heard of a girl devil,
So I take it they are all males.

Now ladies, we have some consolation,
So listen while the last bit I tell,
We may not be ruling Heaven,
But we’re certainly not running Hell.

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