Shrughawadda Players are preparing to perform Marina Carr’s great play ‘By the Bog of Cats` at The Concert Hall, Thomastown on Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th April, 2024.

Having performed this play in early February in Kilmoganny to great success and large crowds each night, there were many requests to stage the show again.

With the help of Seamus Quigley from theThomastown venue Shrughawadda Players decided to take the play to Thomastown for two nights.

All of their plays have been performed in St Eoghan`s Centre, Kilmoganny

since 2005.

Michael Dowling RIP directed all plays until 2018 and present director Alycia Kearney took on the directers role since then.

The backroom team is made up of: Jackie Kenneally, Marie Kelly, Willie Kearney, Stephen Gilmore. Ciaran and Aobha Moore always take control of lights and music.



Set in the mysterious landscape of the Bog of Cats, a bitter stretch of the Irish midlands stalked by ghosts and vengeful characters, this play tells the story of Hester Swane, an Irish Traveller abandoned by all those whom she loves.

Tormented by the memory of her mother who abandoned her at the age of seven, she is once again being deserted, this time by the father of her child, Carthage Kilbride, who is about to marry a young girl from a well off farming family.

Broken hearted and rejected, Hester is drawn into a whirlwind of desperation.

Having been evicted from her house, and in fear of losing her daughter, Josie sets Hester on a terrible journey of vengeance.

Despite warnings from the Catwoman who not only speaks to ghosts but is a fountain of wisdom, she will not leave the Bog of Cats.

The entire community seems to be against Hester whom they refer to as a `tinker`.

Hester is tough and defensive, softening only with her beloved daughter Josie who is a precocious adorable seven year old child.

Hers it seems though is the most tragic inheritance.

Zavier Cassidy wants Hester gone to leave the path clear for the marriage of his daughter Caroline to Carthage. Mrs Kilbride hates Hester and wants her son to marry well so she also wants Hester out of the way.

Only her friend Monica Murray offers her any comfort in the Bog of Cats.

One of the highlights of this wonderful piece of writing is the epic wedding scene which has some great comedy.

Mrs Kilbride delights audiences as does Fr Willow and Catwoman, although not all are happy at their arrival.

Shrughawadda Players are to be complimented for the use of some lovely music and lyrics throughout the show..

Tragedy, comedy, inheritance and ethnic prejudice are to be expected in abundance in the `By the Bog of Cats` by Marina Carr.

Cast:Jackie Kennedy, Sophie Gilmore, Bobby Murray, Biddy Hawe, Carolne Doran,Gerry Carroll,Stephen Gilmore,Jake Butler, Emily Freaney

Aisling O`Bryan, Willie Kearney and Thomas Deegan.

The show is directed by Alycia Kearney.

Backstage and front of house: Jackie Kenneally and Marie Kelly. Music by Aobha Moore. Set design and Art:Stephen Gilmore. Set carpenters and builders: Willie and William Kearney

Lights Ciaran Moore. Costumes and props: Alycia Kearney.


Tickets are on sale online http://www.gr8events.ie/shrughawaddaplayers2024

Or Booking; Alycia Kearney 0876757490 .Jackie Kenneally:0879553532.

Tickets €12. Online booking fee €1.20. 

Proceeds will go to St Joseph’s Care Home, Kilmoganny.


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