Floradix Has You Covered


As the season is about to change you might feel a change in your energy levels or that your immune system might need a boost. Or, maybe you are stressed and frantic with back-to-school arrangements. Thankfully there are natural remedies to help get you back on track.
Floradix is a brand that I like because they have been around for over 100 years. I always think that this is a fair testament to the quality of their products and to their effectiveness. Brands come and go in this industry and it is great to see this one still here and still top of the listings.
There are several products in the range. You will perhaps be most familiar with their Iron formula. This contains organic Iron, a particularly absorbable form, as well as B vitamins, and vitamin C which increases iron absorption All sourced from herbs and fruit juice concentrates. This has been traditionally used for lack of energy and fatigue. It is perfect for during menstruation, pregnancy, and at any stage of life for anyone. It tastes great too and is suitable from 3 years of age.
For supporting the normal function of your immune system take a look at Floradix Immune Support. This is a fairly recent addition to the Floradix range. It is perfect for anyone who cannot swallow pills or tablets and is easily absorbed. It contains vitamin D, C, B12, B6, Selenium, and Zinc, and a herbal extract with Echinacea. It’s expertly formulated to support your immune function and to help reduce tiredness too. It is suitable from age 12.
To help you deal with stress there’s Floradix Neuro Balance Ashagandha Liquid Formula. Ashwagandha is one of the best known herbs to help deal with stress. There are lots of Ashwagandha supplements to choose from. Neuro Balance is a liquid that tastes great, and absorbs quickly. As well as Ashwagandha, it contains Passionflower, a common herb used to support the nervous system, Lemon Balm which I love to help aid relaxation, plus Lavender, vitamin C and B12. I think it is a lovely formula and we have some customers who are loving it and are feeling less stressed using it. Suitable from 18 years of age.
Floradix is an interesting brand that I think you will like.

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