Amárach Nua Exhibiting at the Alternative Kilkenny Arts Fringe Festival 2024

Orflaith Mullally (Community Employment supervisor and artist), Lesley Cleere (Market Cross Shopping Centre manager), Agatha Manning (CE supervisor) and Brian Cullen (CE participant and artist)

A word from Brian Cullen, one of the exhibitors from Amárach Nua:

“We look at ourselves as accidental artists. A group of diversity and with shared experiences, working together to overcome challenges and reignite our true potential. Our exhibition is a showcase of who we are, what we can achieve, but also a reflection on our personalities with the hope that it shines true in our art. A passion now enjoyed by our first time artists finding their confidence, to artists rediscovering a lost passion in art. It is a Community Employment (CE) scheme based programme like no other in that it takes a personal centred approach for those of us in recovery from addiction, and provides training and employment opportunities but also a holistic approach to mindfulness. Exhibiting our art in its many shapes and forms has been a new experience for us; daunting, challenging, but exhilarating.”

“Personally, Amárach Nua has been a massive game changer for me. I joined the programme having overcome addiction and homelessness and found a purpose, all thanks to Orflaith and Agata, Supervisors. I would have painted many years ago and was passionate about it, but addiction took over, and that passion was lost. But two clean years later, we are exhibiting for Arts Week, passion reignited, confidence rebuilt, and we are doing it collectively, strong bonds formed. As Amárach Nua translates as a ‘New Tomorrow’, it perfectly describes our attitude to life and our future. We have a new tomorrow.”

Speaking on her excitement of the event, Lesley Cleere, Centre Manager of Market Cross Shopping Centre said “when the AKA Fringe Festival committee approached us with Amárach Nua and we had our first meeting, I knew immediately that this was full of high energy, commitment and talent. We are thrilled that they choose the Market Cross to showcase all of their amazing work.”

“We have many other independent artists here again this weekend so we invite everybody to come and see amazing art and craft.”

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