Making Kilkenny safer, one heartbeat at a time


By Pat Coughlan

Last week I happened to notice an unusual box on the wall outside Eurospar in Newpark Shopping Centre. They’re not fancy post boxes or secret leprechaun hideouts. They’re defibrillators, and they’re here to save lives. When someone’s heart decides to take an unscheduled break, these devices can give it a much-needed jumpstart. Kilkenny City has recognised their importance and is ramping up their availability. Every second counts when it comes to matters of the heart.

Irish law doesn’t mandate defibrillators in public places, but regulations promote their availability in workplaces. The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 encourages employers to consider defibrillators, particularly in high-risk environments. Legislation also stresses training, ensuring defibrillators aren’t just placed without preparation. According to Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC) guidelines, there’s a push for proper training so people can use these life-saving devices effectively. This ensures that, if needed, individuals will respond confidently and prepared.

You might have noticed a few more defibrillators popping up around Kilkenny City recently. The local council and several dedicated organisations have been on the ball, working flat out to make these lifesaving devices more accessible. A few months back, they rolled out a grand plan to install defibrillators at key spots, particularly in areas with heavy footfall. The Parade, Market Yard, and MacDonagh Junction are just a few of the locations where you can now find these essential machines. In total, they’ve put in about 15 new defibrillators, ensuring that help is never far away in case of an emergency. It’s a real boost for public safety.

The funding for those life-saving devices comes from a mix of government grants, local fundraising efforts, and generous support from businesses and charities. It’s a real community effort.

With these devices now peppered around the city, response times to cardiac emergencies are drastically cut. Numerous studies have shown that defibrillators dramatically increase survival rates for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). According to the American Heart Association, immediate CPR and early defibrillation with an AED can more than double a victim’s chance of survival. It’s like having a guardian angel on every corner. The quicker the response, the higher the chance of survival.

Kilkenny aims to double the number of defibrillators in the next five years, placing them in high-traffic areas, neighbourhoods, and public facilities ([Kilkenny Health Authority, 2023]( A comprehensive training program will offer regular, free sessions in schools, community centres, and workplaces, ensuring more people are trained in defibrillator use and CPR. Collaboration with healthcare professionals and emergency services will enhance these sessions’ quality and outreach ([Kilkenny Community Safety Initiative, 2023](

Furthermore, defibrillators will be connected to emergency services through advanced technology, enabling quicker response times. The goal is clear: make Kilkenny the safest place in Ireland for cardiac emergencies by ensuring defibrillator availability and community training ([Kilkenny Emergency Response Plan, 2023](

There are many ways you can get involved in this life-saving mission. Attend local training sessions to learn how to effectively use a defibrillator and what to do in emergency situations. Encourage your friends and family to do the same — knowledge and readiness can be the difference between life and death. Participate in community fundraising events to help finance more installations throughout our town. Volunteer to help organise these events, ensuring they are as successful as possible. Talk to local businesses and ask them to support the initiative by sponsoring equipment or offering their spaces for training sessions.

Every single action counts. By getting involved, you’re actively contributing to the safety and wellbeing of Kilkenny. Together, we can make our community safer, one heartbeat at a time.

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