Natural Solutions for Premenstrual Tension


Premenstrual tension, PMT, which is also known as Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), is a common problem. Hormonal fluctuations, chemical changes in the brain, genetic factors and lifestyle can all contribute to the symptoms that you experience.
Symptoms can include fluctuating mood, irritability, anger, crying, and increased worry. There can be digestive problems with bloating and constipation, skin break-outs, sugar cravings, and energy slumps. You may have headaches, period pain and/or breast pain. Thankfully, there are some things that can help reduce the impact of PMT on your daily life.
For example, exercise, a balanced diet, good sleep, reduced stress, and finding effective herbs and supplements can all help. A well-balanced diet that contains fruit, vegetables, especially your green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, and whole grains can all help your body function more efficiently. Limit sugar and processed foods to help avoid mood swings and energy crashes. Reduce or avoid caffeine, alcohol, and fizzy drinks, and make sure to drink plenty of water to keep hydrated.
The top supplements to consider could include Magnesium, Vitamin B6, Vitamin D, and Omega oils. Cleanmarine Period Plan (formerly known as Cleanmarine For Women) may be of benefit when taken all month long to support your period and hormone health. It contains Omega 3, Vitamin D, Vitamins B1, and B2 which contribute to normal skin, and B6, which contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity and helps reduce tiredness, and Vitamin D. Period Plan has been scientifically formulated to support hormonal activity, along with your mind, skin, and energy levels. It’s suitable from ages 15-40.

You could take a magnesium supplement alongside Period Plan if you feel you need too. Magnesium is one of the most important minerals that our body requires. A lack of magnesium could contribute to tiredness, food cravings, period pain, back pain, sleep problems, or increased worrying. Stress depletes magnesium so it can become a vicious circle. Magnesium is found in foods like green leafy vegetables including cabbage, broccoli, spinach, kale, brussel sprouts, some nuts, seeds, and brown bread. Aim to increase these foods to help increase your magnesium.
Another option is the herb Agnus Castus, also known as Chaste Berry, and it is a popular choice, especially for irritability and if you break out in spots at that time of the month.

Don’t let PMT hold you back from living your best life, come and talk to us today.

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