Keep Kilkenny Beautiful Response to IBAL Awards

Maria Dollard

“Keep Kilkenny Beautiful committee and volunteers are delighted with Kilkenny’s placing in the 2023 IBAL Awards.

The huge efforts of volunteers who have worked very hard on a weekly basis on a targeted litter picking programme, to ensure that previous blackspots have been particularly addressed and targeted for special attention.

Chairman of KKB, Cllr Maria Dollard said “we are incredibly proud of all our volunteers who are drawn from every sector of the community, including International Protection refugees and who have planned, coordinated and carried out the programme of litter picking over the last 12 months.

Working in partnership with Kilkenny County Council we intend to improve that place over the next 12 months.

We know what needs to be done, we will get the work done and enjoy the all important fun we all have in the process of “Keeping Kilkenny Beautiful”

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