How to reduce cholesterol naturally


I often get asked how to reduce cholesterol naturally. My cholesterol was high and I knew it was related to diet, hormonal changes, and stress and that it was time to do something about it. Other factors that can contribute to high cholesterol include; lack of physical activity, alcohol, smoking, and being overweight. High cholesterol can run in families.

The body needs cholesterol to build cells and hormones. In fact we would die if we had no cholesterol. But high cholesterol is considered one of the risk factors for cardiovascular problems including heart attack and stroke. I see many customers at the shop who are looking for a natural solution to reduce levels.

Here’s what I did, I took Higher Nature Red Sterol Complex. It contains Red Yeast Rice, plant sterols, policosanol, and cinnamon bark. Red Yeast Rice is considered by many to act as a natural alternative to statins, as both contain monacolin K. Plant Sterols have been found to help block the absorption of cholesterol from the diet. I also took One Nutrition CoQ10, it’s an important nutrient for heart health energy, and energy production in general. I also took Omega 3 fish oils because they can help to lower LDL, the bad cholesterol, and reduce triglyceride levels to healthier levels.

Dietwise, you don’t have to make all of these changes that I made. I reduced sugary foods, snack bars and treats. I cut back on butter and mayonnaise as I use far too much of these. It is just as important to eat healthy foods as it is to avoid the bad ones. I ate more oily fish, oat-based foods, and plenty of vegetables, I ate more apples too. Lecithin granules are used to help metabolise fats in the body, they can be added to any food or taken directly from the spoon. I added in Inulin too, this is a source of fibre. I now regularly drink Salus House Hawthorn Tea as hawthorn is traditionally used for heart health. These were the main changes I made.

The great news is, my total cholesterol is now down to healthier levels, it’s down from 6.6 to 5.4 in approximately 3 months. I am happy with this and I will continue with this protocol for another while.

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Natural Health Store, Market Cross Shopping Centre

Phone: 056 7764538



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