At the recent Fianna Fáil Ard Fheis, the large numbers of young adults in attendance was particularly noticeable along with the reliable older members from former years. There were several excellent workshops to be visited over the weekend which were chaired by Fianna Fáil TD’s and Ministers covering such topics as education, the economy, housing, European matters and the environment.
At the education workshop local Councillor, Deirdre Cullen, from the Callan – Thomastown electoral area addressed the problem of mental health and wellbeing for young people in education. She pointed out that over a million children and young people in Ireland experience challenges to their mental health. This was particularly noticeable during Covid and Deirdre sees the growing need for supports to be put in place in our schools and the wider school environment. In reply, Minister Norma Foley announced the establishment of a programme of counselling, wellbeing and mental health supports that are presently being piloted in a number of primary schools. In addition, the minister also promised improved bus services to schools and the roll out of school meals in a number of schools.
Deirdre also raised the problem of combatting school absenteeism, early school leaving, and educational disadvantage existing in our schools and she asked both Norma Foley and Michael McGrath – who was also involved in this Educational workshop – to make appropriate funding for these areas.