5 Science-backed benefits of strength training for every athlete at every age


With just one or two sessions per week, you can live a longer, more fulfilling life thanks to strength or Pilates training.

In order to live longer, healthier lives free from illness and damage, people are always looking for ways to slow down the aging process. According to experts, strength training is the key to eternal youth. This is supported by recent studies. Here are five advantages of strength training proven by science that will motivate you to incorporate a few lifting sessions into your normal schedule.

1. Extend your life (literally)

Regardless of your age or other health-related circumstances, strength training can extend your life. According to Hamilton Rochel, PhD, Head of the Applied Physiology and Nutrition Research Group at the University of So Paulo, muscle strength is an independent and powerful predictor of all-cause mortality, meaning that higher overall strength may result in a longer life regardless of any other conditions you may have. Higher levels of strength are associated with a 14% decreased risk of death from all causes, according to a meta-analysis of almost two million healthy people published in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

It all boils down to how much you exercise to make the connection between strength and lifespan. According to a review in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, being physically inactive can raise your chance of dying young from a chronic illness by 20 to 30 percent. Low levels of strength also indicate that your everyday movement is probably insufficient or that your exercise is restricted, according to Rochel.

But you’ll appreciate those extra years even more if you keep your strength up with regular exercise. Think about how frequently you stand up and sit down, walk to different locations, and climb stairs each day. Life is easier when movement is simple. According to a sizable study that was published in the Cochrane Library, strength training enhances both general function and your capacity to carry out daily tasks like bringing groceries inside the house.

According to Stuart Phillips, PhD, professor of kinesiology and specialist in muscular physiology, “at some time in your life, crucial daily activities will depend on how strong you are.” Make an investment in strengthening yourself right now to fend off the impacts of aging.

2. Delay Signs of aging

When it comes to aging, both physical and mental changes occur throughout time. Studies have found that after the age of 30, muscle mass might decrease by 10% annually, and some have found that cognitive ability also deteriorates with age.

However, you can slow down these changes by beginning strength training or doing muscular work like Pilates as soon as you can so you have a higher set point as muscle mass diminishes with age. Full-body strength or Pilates training should be a part of your program at least one to two days a week to preserve muscular mass, strength, and power as well as cognitive function and memory, allowing you to think more clearly for longer.

Additionally, starting is never too late. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, older persons, defined as those 65 years of age or older, can experience strength gains of up to 100% after engaging in regular strength training.

3. Control your weight and body composition.

Although your health is more important than the number on the scale, you may manage your weight and shed fat when you incorporate strength or Pilates training into your regimen. Strength training appears to be crucial to your program if you’re attempting to maintain your weight, according to a six-year study involving over 11,000 participants. Participants who engaged in strength training experienced a 30% reduction in their risk of becoming obese.

When trying to shed fat, strength training is also essential. According to Schoenfeld, if you don’t, you’ll actually wind up losing muscle mass, which is bad for your appearance, functionality, or health. An even greater benefit: A recent meta-analysis revealed increasing muscle mass aids in decreasing visceral fat, the body fat that accumulates around your midsection and is associated with chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic disorders.

4. Decrease your chronic disease risk

When considering general health, cardio is frequently praised, but Phillips argues that strength training also has special advantages that need consideration.

Strength training is recommended when trying to enhance heart health, according to recent studies. Incorporating both cardio and strength exercise into your regimen can reduce your chance of developing cardiovascular disorders like heart attacks or strokes, according to a recent study. Another study discovered that only one strength training session per week could reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 17%.

Strength training can help lower levels of chronic inflammation, which is connected to cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes when your body is in a low-level fight or flight state. Prolonged inflammation can hinder new muscle growth and recuperation, which can lead to the breakdown of muscle tissue. But according to research, strength training can prevent this muscle breakdown and further lower your risk of type 2 diabetes by helping you to develop lean muscle.

5. Reduce risk of injury

You’ll have more protection against both small and big injuries, according to studies, if you strengthen the muscles and tendons around your joints. Consider falls as an example. Falls, or even the fear of falling, can have an impact on a person’s long-term independence. Falls are one of the most prevalent injuries among older persons.

Strength and Pilates exercise can lower your chance of falling by enhancing your balance, flexibility, and coordination. If you’re lifting, you have a lower chance of breaking a bone even if you fall. When working the muscular system with squats and other muscles it also works on improving bone strength and preventing osteoporosis. According to a review article written for Rehabilitation, it also works well for easing the annoying symptoms of osteoarthritis (think: stiffness and discomfort).

The basic line is that strength training can extend your life, keep you at a healthy weight, protect you from illness and injury, and ultimately improve your general health and vigour. Additionally, starting is never too late. The health of every athlete, regardless of age, can be improved with just two to three workouts each week, according to studies and professional opinion. Anyone may easily experience the advantages of strength training straight at home. One key thing is making sure you are doing exercises correctly and safely. The BackAware Belt is the first ever technology that gives you feedback on your back position. This allows you to make sure you are doing exercises sagely and target the muscles you are trying to target. To learn more about the BackAware belt visit www.backawarebelt.com .

We are starting back with Pilates this September. If you exercise (walk or run) at least 3 times per week, then this could be a great option for you. Visit www.everardpilates.com/sportfreetrial to see if you qualify.

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