The end of the year can be a good time to reflect on the year gone by and think about any changes you would like to make for the year ahead. This could mean doing something new, or it could be something that you want to stop doing, something that you feel adds no value to your life at this point.
It might be something simple like improving your diet so that you include healthier options on a more regular basis. Maybe you want to increase how much exercise you do. It could be starting a new course that you have been thinking about, learning a new skill, playing the piano, learning a new language. It could be about modifying your behaviour and how you react to situations in your life. It’s a great time to think about your health. Maybe you’d like to improve your immune health, joint health, skin health, or perhaps you are thinking about how you could improve the overall health of your family.
For me, it’s a time to think about what health issues are most important to focus on now that I am 57 and post-menopausal. Bone health and heart health are important areas to look after at this stage. Plus, I noticed some hair loss this year which I am working on now. My cholesterol is high. It was a stressful year, that’s my excuse, plus lack of exercise, hormonal changes, stress, and maybe the odd chocolate bar, would have had an impact on the cholesterol numbers.
The other area I want to improve on, is to walk more. I tell myself that being on my feet in the shop and going up the stairs is great exercise. It is helpful, but not the solution to exercise and getting out for a good fresh air walk.
These are the areas that I will focus on for 2022. The common connection to achieving these goals are: a healthy diet, exercise, stress control, and quality sleep. I will also top up on nutrients to support the process. I will let you know how it all goes throughout the year.
In the meantime, I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year, I hope that it’s a good one.
Call in to see us at Market Cross Shopping Centre, we would love to chat and help you with your new regime.
Natural Health Store
Market Cross Shopping Centre
Phone: 056 7764538
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