Make Kilkenny a great place to…

Grow up in, Live and invest in

With a focus on greater innovation and enterprise development, Kilkenny could become a major  regional city drawing skilled labour and investment from overloaded Dublin, Waterford and further  afield, while still preserving our medieval heritage and identity.

The key to local enterprise development is housing. Without a policy to provide homes local economic  development will be heavily constrained. Together with housing we need an adequate and safe supply  of water, transport services, policing as well as an array of public services that can support workers  and businesses. Through the Local Enterprise Office (LEO) a range of supports exist for business  startups as well as businesses seeking to grow their business. We need to foster a strong culture of  enterprise by linking businesses, colleges of education, training resources and local sources of finance  and mentoring. I will work:

✓ To extend the range of services and funding provided by the LEO.

✓ to establish a register of vacant commercial property which could be turned over to new  business startups.

✓ to identify best practice social enterprise business including enterprises to build affordable  housing.

✓ For family friendly and inclusive measures to ensure greater diversity in local economic  development.

✓ to extend the number of connected hubs and business centres to promote Kilkenny as an ideal  remote working location.

✓ with local employer and trade union groups for a Kilkenny Enterprise Excellence aware scheme  that recognises good workplace practices, sustainable business development and employee  participation.

If elected, I will also work with council officials and other elected local representatives to:

✓ Increase access to childcare, especially for parents whose earnings are not enough to cover  additional childcare costs.

✓ Value and recognise all forms of family care and the role played by parents and mothers in  particular

✓ Ensure that all proposed new childcare and early education facilities are up to standard at the  planning and licensing stage.

✓ Ensure that childcare and early years education workers are valued and properly paid. ✓ Expand the role of social, not-for-profit community enterprises providing childhood education  and care.

✓ Liaise with various public agencies to ensure that families have timely access to childcare/pre school services and support including special needs children.

✓ Prioritise the provision of mental health services for young people

✓ Prioritise age-friendly policies and practices.

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