Labour’s Seán Ó hArgáin demands Government action in wake of soaring Kilkenny rents

Labour Party local election candidate in Kilkenny City, Seán Ó hArgáin, is calling on the government to urgently address the housing crisis in light of the alarming findings of the recent Daft Report. The report revealed a staggering 6.8% increase in advertised rents in 2023 across the country, but with a staggering increase of 13.8% in Kilkenny, further exacerbating the challenges faced by hundreds of Kilkenny families.

Mr. Ó hArgáin said:

“The Daft Report findings underscore the urgent need for meaningful action to address the housing crisis in Kilkenny. With over 13,351 individuals nationally, including over 4,000 children, currently accessing emergency accommodation, it is clear that the situation has reached a breaking point.

“As I have witnessed first-hand while knocking on doors in our local area, the housing crisis is a constant concern for our community. Over 810 families were on the Kilkenny City housing lists until recently and this is having a huge impact on the quality of people’s lives, particularly young people and families, who are in many cases forced to continue living in their parent’s homes.

“Families are struggling to afford homes of their own, renters are burdened by exorbitant rents, and individuals are languishing on Council housing lists for years on end. This cannot continue.

“The reliance on private development as a solution is fundamentally flawed and only serves to worsen the housing crisis. The policies of Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil have eroded the social contract, leaving renters vulnerable and without recourse. It is time for the government to prioritise the rights and security of renters across Ireland.

“Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael’s persistent failure to act not only perpetuates suffering but erodes the very fabric of our communities. Urgent intervention is essential to prevent further deterioration of the situation and to restore hope for those who have been left behind by failed policies.

“Labour’s vision for a fair and affordable rental sector challenges this status quo. Our Renter’s Rights Bill, introduced in 2021, would have offered a constructive solution to the ongoing crisis. By tackling ‘no-fault’ evictions and providing greater security of tenure, our bill aims to provide a lifeline to renters facing uncertainty and instability in their housing situations.

“We need a renewed sense of urgency and commitment to ensure every individual, especially our vulnerable children, has a place to call home.”

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