Fitzgerald urges minister to support farmers

Kilkenny city councillor is urging the Minister for Agriculture McConalogoue to renegotiate the nitrates and derogation limits.

Reacting the announcement by the European Commission that Ireland’s Nitrates Derogation will be cut from its current level of 250kg N/ha to 220Kg N/ha from January, Cllr David FitzGerald said he believes this decision will have a huge financial impact on farmers across the sector.

‘’I am frustrated by the sudden announcement by the European Commission is changing our derogation, and the huge impact it will have on across the farming sectors. This is being introduced too quickly and too suddenly it doesn’t allow time for farmers to adjust their finances and stocking rates. This is also going to create huge pressure in the land letting market. Minster needs to go back to Europe and re-negotiate a better deal for farmers and support them as we transition through this difficult period. Derogation is an important part of our Irish agriculture we need to support farmers as we get used to the new norm right across Europe.’’

Cllr David FitzGerald 086 251 4041


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