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AS I SEE IT BY MARIANNE HERON The Japanese call it Suteru! and it’s the answer to TMS (too much stuff ) syndrome and the literal translation is ‘throw away’. De-cluttering sounds a bit less threatening and was the topic of a long running BBC2 TV series called The Life Laundry which liberated hoarders from …


BY JOHN ELLIS, FINANCIAL ADVISOR IF you want to set a goal for the net worth to have at retirement the figure you use should accommodate your lifestyle and limits. There is no one-size-fits-all number for how much money you need to have at retirement. To get started, look at how much you plan to …


AS I SEE IT By Marianne Heron My mother had a great answer for anyone who asked her age in her later years, ” I am as old as my tongue and a little older than my teeth,” she would smile. A good way to avoid disclosing her actual vintage but the answer still didn’t …


BY ANDREW MCDONALD HYPNOTHERAPIST Needles are not something any of us looks forward to. Fortunately, unless we have an ongoing health concern, most of us don’t have to face them that often. Many people go years without having to get an injection. Then along comes a worldwide pandemic, we get the good news of there …


THE FACT OF THE MATTER PAUL HOPKINS Someone once described friendship as a relationship with no strings attached except the ones you choose to tie; one that’s just about being there, as best you can. It was the great thinker Aristotle who said Man is by nature a social animal. In effect, we are not …


BY CLAIR WHITTY Weleda Skin Food is a fantastic skin care formulation that feeds and nourishes dry and rough skin. I think it’s amazing that it was first made over 90 years ago, way back in 1926. That’s surely the sign of a great product when they stand the test of time like that. Weleda …


BY CLAIR WHITTY Summer is here and I think it’s an ideal time to give our skin a boost. So, what about trying a Trilogy serums/boost? They’re certified natural serums which penetrate deeply into the skin to the lower levels where they can really get to work. When you feel your skincare routine isn’t enough, …


THE FACT OF THE MATTER PAUL HOPKINS Doris Roberts gave the best hugs I have ever known. Tight and fierce, and sincerely felt. Doris and her family were refugees evacuated to their native north Wales when the Germans bombed Liverpool. The only hotel in Prestatyn was unable to offer wheelchair access to Doris and her …


by Andrew McDonald Hypnotherapist We all have to deal with difficult people. However, keep in mind one thing; you have to cope with them for a short time, they have to be with themselves all day long. All of us have people in our lives who bring us down and stress us out. Sometimes the …


BY JOHN ELLIS FINANCIAL ADVISOR JUST as things get lost in a mess, a chaotic financial life makes it easy to lose track of where your money goes. Calculating your Net Worth helps makes sense of your finances and can help ensure you are doing what’s best with the money you have. In simple terms …